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Coupling & Repair
Large Diameter Style 38
Dresser large diameter coupling consists of a steel sleeve – called a middle ring, two gaskets and two followers to connect two pieces of plain-end pipe for most applications up to 120″. Sizes above 120″ or higher pressure applications an alternate segmental follower design is used, allowing Dresser to fabricate flexible couplings in size up to 20′ diameter and greater.
Initially, couplings were used primarily on buried pipelines. That changed back in 1921 when the first steel-coupled Penstock was constructed by the city of Brigham, Utah.
Advantages of the Dresser Penstock Couplings:
- Built-in flexibility
- Reduced excavation
- Absorbs deflection and stress
- Expansion joints not required
Provides a factory-built, 100% efficient joint - AIS (American Iron & Steel ) compliance available upon request
- Install base operating around the world for more than 100 years
- Engineering and manufacturing expertise to design for most diameter and pressure applications

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